Money can control an individual. When this happens it's a great tragedy. Man was not created for money but money was created for man, man should not be under the 'influence' of money but money should be under the influence and control of man.
The true character of most men is revealed when issues that have to do with money occur. Personally, i have seen men who were humble and well behaved change for the worse when money showed up in their lives. When a man comes under the influence of money he becomes someone else for the worse.
Money has many uses, and is very beneficial for our survival here on earth. Infact the good Book informs us that ''money answers all things''. Perhaps this importance of money here in our earthly journey and pursuits is what makes many people 'glorify' money beyond the ordinary. Isn't money merely printed paper recognised as a means of exchange?
There are those who worship money. When money takes the place of God in a mans heart its called mammon.
Money is a servant, money is a tool, money is an energy in tangible form that's used to manifest our dreams and desires. Money is good when you use it for noble causes but can be evil when the thoughts and desires of an individual is evil, money is not evil in itself but it takes on the character of the person in possession of it. Money is a neutral servant that obeys the wishes of its master to the latter.
Money shows up when favour is upon a life.
Money has ears, it can be spoken to.
Money is the reward of those who solve problems for others.
Money gravitates in the direction of an idea whose time as come. Money respects concepts and ideas, inventions and knowledge.
Money appears in the life of those who are diligent with work and believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Money doesnt come because of wishful thinking but gravitates towards the actions of men.
Money gives us speed and momentum in our life's journey .
Money shows up when you are profitable. The more profitable you are to someone or people, they more money you get access to.
Money is not success itself but can help you achieve success depending on what you do with it.
Namste my brother, this world has no place for money or the many possessions it affords. Money is the liquor of the weak and detractor of the ignorant.